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Create and Manage Embeds

Sure, here's a detailed documentation file for your CubowBot's Embed Creation feature:

# Embed Creation with CubowBot

CubowBot provides powerful commands to create, edit, and manage embedded messages. These embedded messages can be used for announcements, rules, updates, and much more.

## Commands Overview

1. `/embedcreate` - Create a new embed.
2. `/embededit` - Edit an existing embed.
3. `/embedaddfield` - Add a field to an existing embed.

## Embed Creation

### Command: `/embedcreate`

Creates a new embed message in a specified channel.

/embedcreate title:<title> description:<description> channel:<#channel> color:<color>

Parameters: - title: The title of the embed. - description: The main content of the embed. - channel: The channel where the embed will be sent. - color: The color of the embed (optional).

Embed Editing

Command: /embededit

Edits an existing embed message.


/embededit message_id:<message_id> channel:<#channel> title:<new_title> description:<new_description> color:<new_color>

Parameters: - message_id: The ID of the embed message to edit. - channel: The channel where the embed is located. - title: The new title of the embed (optional). - description: The new description of the embed (optional). - color: The new color of the embed (optional).


/embededit message_id:123456789012345678 channel:#rules title:"Updated Server Rules" description:"1. Be respectful to everyone.\n2. No spamming or flooding the chat.\n3. Follow the Discord Terms of Service."

Adding Fields to Embeds

Command: /embedaddfield

Adds a field to an existing embed message.


/embedaddfield message_id:<message_id> channel:<#channel> name:<field_name> value:<field_value> inline:<true/false>

Parameters: - message_id: The ID of the embed message to edit. - channel: The channel where the embed is located. - name: The name of the field. - value: The content of the field. - inline: Whether the field should be inline with others (optional, default is false).


/embedaddfield message_id:123456789012345678 channel:#rules name:"Rule 4" value:"No offensive language." inline:false

Advanced Usage and Tips

Formatting Text

You can use Discord's markdown to format text within your embeds. For example: - **bold** for bold text. - *italic* for italic text. - `code` for inline code.

Managing Permissions

Ensure that CubowBot has the necessary permissions to send messages and manage embeds in the specified channels.